ACCC says Samsung misled with phone ads

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Update time : 2019-10-09 15:46:42

The consumer watchdog is taking Samsung ought playground though marketing many of the four million Galaxy phones sold at Australia though appropriate though use at pools and oceans, despite knowing they were no sufficiently water resistant.

The Australian contest and Consumer committee has instituted Federal playground proceedings against Samsung alleging the electronics immense misled and deceived customers with representations of different Galaxy phones over more than 300 advertisements though February 2016.

Ads over social media, online, TV, billboards, brochures and other media depicted the phones being used can pools and beaches, still Samsung too advertised them though being water resistant up ought 1.5 metres though 30 minutes.

One ad showed a phone being used under water can a pool, another described "capturing your Saturday surf conference can the beach", and another showed a mankind floating can an inflatable with a water-splashed phone can his sternum.

The ACCC says the ads are false, misleading and deceptive though the phones were no appropriate though use at total types of water, which Samsung acknowledged can its website by advising against using the Galaxy S10 can the shore or a pool.

"Samsung showed the Galaxy phones used at situations they shouldn't exist ought enchant customers," ACCC armchair Rod Sims said can Thursday.

"Under the Australian Consumer Law, businesses cannot mislead consumers about their products' capabilities."

Samsung said it intends ought protect the proceedings.

"Samsung stands by its marketing and advertising of the water resistancy of its smartphones," Samsung Australia said at a statement.

"We are too confident that we furnish customers with free-of-charge remedies at a air compatible with Samsung's obligations under its manufacturer warranty and the Australian Consumer Law."

The ACCC alleges that Samsung did no sufficiently quiz its phones ought sustain its advertised claims, and denied warranty claims from users whose phones were damaged at water.

Samsung's Galaxy phones advertised though water resistant typically fare more than those that are not, the ACCC said.

"Samsung itself has acknowledged that water resistance is an significant factor influencing Australian consumer decisions while they choose what mobile phone ought purchase," Mr Sims said.

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